Hola Amigas,
"Choices" has been the theme in at least fifteen of my twenty-six blogs. WE have the choice to make decisions that benefit our lives and the lives of others.
We choose to cheat or to allow someone to cheat on us, we choose to have a good day or a bad day (even though no day is a bad day, it is just another opportunity to learn), we choose to stay in bad relationships, we choose to be angry or happy. We choose.
Last week I was listening to an interview where the person said "Get positive momentum going early therefore when something tries to catch you by surprise it will bounce off of you." I have been trying to meditate everyday, before getting out of bed, to set the tone of my day. I have to say it is working divinely.
When I choose to have a wonderful day, I do. No matter what comes my way. Something else the person being interviewed (I do not remember who said it) commented "Identify what it is you want to do for your life." When you identify and choose it appears without much interference.
As you know, my pet peeves get in my way. When I choose not to let them annoy me I get a better response. Instead of being nasty toward the situation bothering me I take a happy approach. I put a smile on my face and move forward especially when driving.
Serotonin, a neurotransmitter that makes you feel happiness when released by the brain, is released when you smile. Whether you are happy or sad if you put a smile on your face serotonin is released. When I am driving, thinking negative thoughts, or thinking how stupid someone is (yes I have those thoughts), I choose to smile. Immediately, just remembering to do the action (because I feel dumb putting a smile on my face and telling myself to do it), I feel better.
Choose to be happy. Smile for the sake of smiling.
Let me know how it goes…PLEASE try it.
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