Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Constructive Criticism

Paper...ADM (Aye Dios Mio)...Paper everywhere!!!  I have a pile of paper that never goes away.  It's mostly mail.  I weed it out, clean it, throw away, but it is ever present.

Last week my sister came to my place and saw the paper pile.  She was mortified.  "What's that?!?!  That is unacceptable!!!"  She exclaimed with surprise and shock.  I told her it was my mail pile.  She was not having it.

She went on to say that when I go to her house I criticize when I see something I do not agree with.  So, therefore, she was paying back the favor in kind.  She explained she was not criticizing she was giving me positive feedback or constructive criticism.  She then told me what I should do with the papers...put it in a draw.

The next morning, after taking my daughter to school, I got rid of the pile.  I threw away most of it (junk mail and old newspapers).  I took my sister's advice and stashed the mail I need in a draw.  The draw is but so deep.  When the draw is full I will know it is time to go through and weed out.

Such an easy concept.  Had my sister not pointed it out to me the pile would still be there making me miserable.  I was really unhappy about the pile.  It was such an eyesore.

The next time someone criticizes me I am going to ponder over what they have to say and ask them how would they do it differently.  I am sure I will learn a few things.

Try it and share it with us.



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