Monday, August 5, 2013

US Airways Response

Hola Amigas, como están?

This was the response I received from US Airways:


Dear Ms. Rivera:
Thank you for contacting Customer Relations. We appreciate it when customers take the time to share their concerns. I am sorry to hear about your recent travel experience on US Airways.

I can understand your frustration with the situation. However, we cannot take responsibility for the actions of another passenger. Unintentional things can and do happen during flights, and it’s unfortunate that you and another passenger were involved in this situation.

In addition, we expect our employees to be knowledgeable of our policies and procedures and to apply them consistently. I apologize you were not satisfied with our gate agent’s handling of this flight. Your comments will be shared with the Station Manager in Charlotte for review with the employees involved. We are grateful you brought the matter to our attention. Your comments will help us improve our service.

I am unable to honor your request for Round Trip ticket for you and your daughter.

Ms. Rivera, we appreciate the time you took to contact us regarding this matter. Above all, we appreciate your business and look forward to serving you on a future US Airways flight.


Florence Wyn
Representative, Customer Relations
US Airways Corporate Office

Case: US-13RIVERA-I52J03-A2R

My response:

Dear Ms. Wyn,

Thank you for your response.  I will be posting it on a blog that has been awaiting this response.  I am very sorry to hear you will not honor my request of roundtrip first class air passes for my daughter and I after the fact that your  "knowledgable" employees placed my 5 year old daughter ("another passenger") and I in imminent danger.  

I did not know what to expect at Laguardia Airport  after your "knowledgable" employees placed us, my 5 year old daughter and I,  in a later flight than the aggressor.  I was terrified when I landed thinking the aggressor could be waiting for me.  

I was not expecting you to take responsibility for the behavior of the aggressor (the other customer).  I expressly asked you take action on behalf of your "knowledgable" staff, which was not the gate agent.  It was Mr. Ron Wright, supposedly the manager, and Mr. Allison, supposedly Mr. Wright's supervisor.  I might have been ill advised as to their positions.  


Marilyn Rivera

Now what do I do?!?!

Any suggestions would be welcomed.

It's so funny that the four people I had this interaction with, at Charlotte airport, were all men.  The funny part is that I should get a response from a woman denying my request.  




  1. This is frustrating. I went through a similar experience. I can understand and share your experience.

    The WOMAN who signed the letter is a "Customer Relations Representative", my advice would be to find the response unacceptable and request that you speak verbally to a person whom is HIGHER in ranking than a "Customer Relations Representative".

    I would expect a response and someone at the level of a VICE PRESIDENT TO REVIEW MY REQUEST. BE UNREASONABLE :)

    Nothing less than that,


  2. You definitely need to write both the President and the CEO of the airlines. send them copies of your first letter and her response. This is unacceptable. All of this aggression was displayed in front of your daughter and who knows what lasting affect it could have on her. As a parent we need to protect our children and the airlines need to know that any outburst in front of or that involve children will not be tolerated by anyone. Focus on that when writing the President, CEO , CFO etctra

  3. PERFECTO, I am sorry it took me so long to respond to your advice AmigaGina and AmigaLinda.
    My Papi's 75th birthday is Saturday, August 10th, and ALL his sisters (he is one of nine, with seven females!!!), arrived to surprise him on Tuesday, August 6th. Therefore, I am tour guide/chauffeur/niece/daughter/mother/servant, and I DO NOT mind because they are my AMIGAS which I have learned sooooo much from and the more time I am with them the more I learn.

    The advice you gave me is absolutely what I will do, once I get a reply from Ms. Wyn. Gracias for the response and advice!

