Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Random Acts of Kindness

BuenosDays Amigas,

It is so rare that in my busy world I attune to random acts of kindness.  In the last week I have witnessed at least 3.

1.  I saw a lady pick up a large bag of garbage that had been been blown out of the trash can.

 I thought  this was really cool because it was being done for the community not only for self.

2.  I was on the boardwalk at the beach.  A man, with his family, got up to leave a restaurant on the boardwalk.  He dropped his towel not realizing it.  Another man, with his family, saw the first man drop the towel.  He got up from the table, where he was eating, ran after the first guy, and handed him the towel.

Two families, and any on lookers such as myself, were affected by this interaction.  It spoke about kindness, neighborly love, and respect for other's property.

3.  As I was driving I noticed a small commotion.  There were people running from all sides of the street not only to see but to help.  What I saw:  a skateboarder down and very dazed.  People were telling him to stay down, even though he was trying to get up.  The person who caused the collapse was standing there explaining and helping out.

The scene was not one of chaos but one of tender loving care for all parties involved.

In becoming attuned to my surroundings I encountered 3 acts of kindness that put a smile on my face, immediately, and left a lasting impression in my heart.

Tell us of random acts of kindness you have experienced recently and the impression they have left on you.

Follow ups:

Nothing from US Airways but will keep you posted.

Has anyone used RTS (Respond To Sender) for group texts and how did it go?

I've used it twice and it has worked.  The revolution has started...and we did it here!!!




  1. I once had a random act of kindness with Delta...I met two women that worked for them on the NY subway and after sharing a taxi with them, they booked me and walked me through security...

  2. I'm a little peeved that I can't remember an act of kindness right now but I know that I've experienced it! I have used the RTS and it works!!! YAY!!!
