Tuesday, August 20, 2013

To Receive or NOT Receive a Compliment

I like giving compliments, it makes me feel good to acknowledge another person.  Usually people are happy to receive compliments.  They smile, say thank you, and walk a little taller.  I love receiving compliments.  I smile, say thank you, and walk a little taller.  It's nice to be acknowledged.

Some people, though, do not know how to receive a compliment.  Recently I was in a bathroom.  The attendant had on neon pink accessories (earrings, nail polish, sneakers).  It looked really cute.  I smiled, looked up and said "I love your accessories.  Hot pink.  That's hot." She slammed the door in my face!!!  Literally.  I can not make this up.  She was going into her private area and slammed the door in my face.  I had to laugh.  I went outside and told my Amigas.  We all agreed some people do not know how to receive a compliment.

A few days ago I saw a woman with a beautiful Dalmatian dog.  It was a puppy but big enough that you could see all the spots developed.  It was beautiful.  I said "what a beautiful Dalmatian."  At least, this woman smiled but she said nothing.  NOTHING!!!  I am sure if she had a door to slam she would have slammed it.

So, who knows why some people do not receive compliments?!?!  Are they so sure of themselves they do not need to hear it from anyone else?  Are they too insecure they think a compliment or acknowledgment is fun making?  I don't know but I will continue complimenting be what may.  Anyway, I get more smiles and thank yous than doors slammed in my face.

Do you give or get compliments, and what is your reaction or the person receiving reactions?  I am really curious to know.



I have not heard back from US Airways.  I am waiting for a call back from Ms. Boda, the Vice President of Costumer Relations.  If I do not hear from her I will call on Friday.  Will keep you posted.


  1. I ALWAYS GIVE COMPLIMENTS! I love to give compliments and to receive compliments!! I never understood why some people can be hostile when receiving them and no longer care why they are the way they are. I ask God to bless them with the insight to be appreciative! oh by the way YOU ARE SOOO BEAUTIFUL MY ALWAYSAMIGA MARILYN!! XOXOXO

  2. THANK YOU AmigaNani. You too are most beautiful, I must say!!!

  3. When people tell me my dog is beautiful I say thank you because it's the polite thing to do and I'm pretty sure if my dog could say thank you, she would, but when someone compliments my dog I always think to myself... "Should I say thank you?" "Do they think I had anything to do with my dogs looks?" "Do I look like I could birth a mastiff?" Lol

    That woman in the ladies was just plain R U D E!

  4. Great point AmigaMichelle. Thanks for that point of view.
