Friday, May 9, 2014


On Monday, May 5, 2014, I started a juice cleanse. I initially thought about doing 5 days, but committed to 3days. The first day is always the most difficult, but I did get through the day and the cleanse. While going through the process, you must pray! It is so important. It gets you through the hunger, cleanse, and supports you with clarity and direction. It is the most enlightening experience!

Each time I have done a cleanse, it has the same affect. It gives you so much clarity. It allows you the space to go deep into your soul.

What showed up for me? Please know that the spirit speaks to you in so many ways, song, dance, a stranger, your family and friends, in silence. But when you are cleansing and fasting. The spirit shows up so clearly. Why? Because you don't have all the clutter.

Monday, May 5th. Day 1- I saw and felt strongly.....that I am change!  I will continue to be the POWERFUL WOMAN....that I am. Yes. I am not perfect. I am tough. I am opinionated. Why? because I had/have wonderful, powerful, quality experiences and I want the best for everyone and everything! Like most people, I do not like wasting my time.

Time is important to me.

While walking to work on Tuesday, May 6th-Day 2. The spirit spoke to me and said, in time EVERYONE, shows themselves, be patient and know. That opened up sooooo much for me.  Put work people into perspective...put most people into perspective.

Wednesday, May 7th -Day 3. Tough day. I went to hot yoga. I felt so invigorating. I felt like I could literally conquer the world. I spoke to the amazing amiga Marilyn, who started this amazing platform for women to share. I shared my story with her about my cleanse and what showed up for me. Being the amazing woman that she is......was so excited for me. Encouraged me to share my experience through my cleanse. I was so eager to journal my experience and why not on such an amazing space with so many amazing beautiful souls. Thank you.

Trust me....I was HUNGRY..I woke up a couple of times in hunger, but I drank water and prayed. It really got me through.

I know I am truly loved by GOD. He has brought me through so many obstacles. I know I am who I am for a reason. I know I am back for a reason. I know that I am working with one of my close friends for a reason. My work is not done yet! I want only the best and everyone to be the best.

Amigas, be the best you can be!

Amigas, be the CHANGE YOU CAN be.


I LOVE YOU! Happy Mothers Day Weekend!!!!!

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