Sheroes are in each and everyone of us. That is why I am creating AlwaysAmigas. We need to remind ourselves and one another that we are and Always will be Sheroes.
Thanks to a comment from last weeks post for this blog. Thank you Amiga for sharing with us and reminding us of our power...Always.
Single mother's need to realize our power. We have free range to make choices. Some choose to stay home with their children and some choose to have a career while raising children. This is one of those things that we are damned if we do and damned if we don't.
If a woman chooses to stay home and take care of her children society says "look at her, living off my tax dollars while I bust my butt every day going to work."
If a woman chooses to have a career while raising children society says "look at her, she's too high and mighty to take care of her kids. That's why her children will be hoodlums on the street. She only cares about herself and those poor kids have to raise themselves."
Making a choice is a singular thing. I understand when a person is heated about an issue they can make the wrong choice and later regret that choice. I have been there more than once.
When you choose to do something do it powerfully. Know this is the choice I am making and I am sticking to it.
I had a situation where I was taking care of my father, my son, and not myself. Then I complained about my situation. My Amiga asked me "would you allow anyone else to take care of your father or your son, would that make you happy?" I replied "no I need to do it myself." To which she said "so you choose to take care of them. Do it powerfully. Stop complaining." I got it. If this is a choice that I am making why whine and complain about it?!?! Just do it!
It really is just that simple.
Just be...
Just be happy.
It's a choice.
Your children and the World around you will thank you. Children are like sponges: they absorb everything they hear and see. We may tell children "act as I say not as I do" but they will be and act exactly like you.
This is not only for single mother's. This is for all Amigas. We are someone's Shero and we don't even know it. They are watching and learning from us.
Let's choose to be happy.
So beautiful and so true! Choice is all it is......and doing it powerfully is the only way to do it!!!