The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
The Serenity Prayer continues but these are the lines I use. What it means to me and how I make it work for me:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change:
I cannot change people who are driving slow, taking loud, chewing with their mouth open, being rude to me or others, who are cursing at their children, who are mad at the world, who are happy being who they are not mattering their impact to the world around them, who make up stories about their lives and live in denial, etc. I can give you a million and one examples. You get what I mean.
the courage to change the things I can:
The only thing I can change is myself and I need much courage to change myself. I am set in my ways. It is difficult for me to turn the other cheek but I am always willing to learn new tricks.
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Wisdom to know the difference when it is them or it is me. I am perfect and do not make mistakes...NOT!!! I have lots of peeves.
I cannot change people while acting like them but if I take an approach of serenity and courage instead of fighting fire with fire I KNOW I can get further. When I do something with serenity it is being done out of love. Love for myself, love for the human race, love of life.
This is how this prayer works for me. Try it and let me know the results.
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