Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Why do people lie?  To get out of an ugly situation, to get over, because they do not want anyone to know the truth, etc.  I do not like liars.  Let me rephrase that I do not like compulsive liars.  Liars who cheat, liars who are in total denial, liars who tell little white lies all the time.  This is the deal with lying, when you lie, anyone who lies, you then have to back it up with more lies.  Isn't it simpler to just say nothing.

I was explaining this to a friend.  She asked me "you never lie?!?!"  I told her "I have Academy Awards for the lies I have told and stories I make up."  It is not that I do not lie, it is that silence is golden.  I value the people around me.  I respect them and trust them.  If I start lying to them then who can I confide in.  You are as sick as your secrets.  Secrets, that's another biggie.  I have secrets I am afraid to tell everyone but I have told at least one person therefore they do not manifest in me.

If you do not have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all.

I try to live a very honest life.  Anything to any extreme is not good.  Too much lying is definitely a big NO in my book and keeping secrets makes you sick but you do not have to lie and make up stories.  Just tell the truth or don't say anything.

Tell me what you think.

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