Monday, July 1, 2013

Thank You

Whether you believe in God, a higher power, the energy of the universe, whatever your belief, Thank You is a full prayer.  Thank you embraces all that you are grateful for.  Thank you acknowledges your appreciation for what has been done for you. It says "I see what you did."  Even thanking someone for something they did not do is an amazing way to turn a situation positive.

Say thank you all day today and see how it works for you.  I guarantee you will feel better.  Say it even though you don't mean it.  As soon as the words leave your mouth they will be out in the Universe sending signals to all the energy surrounding you.




1 comment:

  1. Every morning that I get up....6am or sometimes earlier..the first thing that I say is THANK YOU.. Thank you for all that I am! Thank you for all those who come into and leave my life! Thank you for the struggles! Thank you for the blessings! Thank you...thank you...Thank you.....Thank you for everything that is!!!

    Thank you Amiga!

