Monday, July 22, 2013


Hola Amigas,

I did not post last Tuesday because I was on Holiday with my 5 year old daughter.

I want to pick up the conversation...


We complain and moan each and every single day.  What good does it do us?  NONE.  If we are not complaining to someone who can do something about whatever the situation is our complaints are falling on deaf ears.  When we complain we need to make sure we are not speaking to someone who has no power over changing the situation.  We ALWAYS need to know we are complaining to someone who can transform the situation.

I was coming home on a connecting flight in North Carolina, on US Airways.  I encountered a loaf who was very angry.  As I tried to get adjoining seats for my 5 year old daughter and I he demanded that I move.  I reacted to his demand, "MOVE",  and replied "WAIT."  He did not take well to my demand and pursued to call me names..."slut, your mother's a slut, bitch, whore...etc."  I responded twice.  As I was readying to get into my seat the loaf pushed me, very aggressively, with his huge duffel bag causing me to fall upon my daughter.  I pushed back on him.  He pointed his finger in my face and called me names.The gentleman seated behind my row urged me not to continue and to ignore him, which I adhered to.  Soon the main steward was alerted.  The loaf was taken off the airplane to which he replied "I want to press charges."  My witness and hero , who was the gentleman seating behind my row, was also asked off the plane.  I was then escorted off the airplane with my daughter.  I was extremely embarrassed and humiliated at this point.  But I did not want the airline to think I was resistant because I knew they could ban me from all their flights.

The North Carolina Police was called because the loaf wanted to press charges against me when he was the aggressor.  US Airways decided to place the loaf (the aggressor) on an earlier flight and have my 5 year old daughter and I wait 2 hours more for a later flight.  Which enraged me further.  I could not rap my brain around this decision.  He was the aggressor, I had witnesses, and US Airways puts him on an earlier flight?!?!  I was enraged.  I spoke to the director, Mr. Allison, after I had no luck with the supervisor, Mr. Wright.

I will be writing to US Airways and demand 4 roundtrip first class airfares, for my daughter and I.  I will let you know the outcome.

We are well.  The lesson I learned: when someone is aggressive and irrational give them what they want.  Hopefully they will learn they do not have to be so aggressive.  And we all live happily ever after...BUT remember...karma is a Biatch who sleeps with Desitny...What goes around comes around.


  1. I am so sorry that happen to you.

  2. I'm so sorry you had to go through this and that your daughter had to witness this. I agree there are situations where someone is so aggressive that it's best to just step back and allow them to reveal themselves. Keep calm and move on. HOWEVER, sometimes, someone who is rude and disrespectful needs to be put in their place... how you choose to do that is entirely up to you. Responding with the same aggressiveness will only create more aggression. An aggressive person is used to that so they're probably better at it. When ignoring them is impossible, kill them with kindness.
