Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Adios Papi Chulo

Yesterday my adopted son's, he adopted us and lived with us from 16-23, father died.  He was the Papi Chulo on the block.  He was such a Papi Chulo he married 2 sisters...seriously.  He married the first sis and had 4 children with her.  Then married the next sister and had 2 children with her.  That's very Papi Chuloish.  This man in his heyday must have been a bad ass.  As I knew him he always smelled good, dressed well (wore socks with the Puerto Rican flag on them...love that), was always smiling.  I'd say to him "oye tu estas buscando novias, porque tu estas muy teenager."  He'd give me the biggest smile and say "yo estoy joven. Yo soy un teenager." Que descanse en paz nuestro AMIGO...

With that said...my own Papi, all my Amigas (whom are all adults) call him Papi, turned 75 on August 10th.  We had a big ole Puerto Rican party.  Six of his 7 sisters came.  Five from Puerto Rico and 1 from Florida.  Two of his nieces came and one niece came with 2 of her daughters.  So 10 people traveled to say Feliz Cumpleanos to my Papi.  He is well loved.

He is constantly surrounded by family.  His wife has 4 children whom all have children.  Papi is Grandpa to all the children.  When their biological grandfather died the family made an announcement "Grandpa died".  One of the youngest went to the living room, where Papi watches television, and exclaimed "grandpas not dead. Look he's watching tv."

We are very blessed to have our Papi alive and well.  Even when he is just watching tv he's taking care of us.  He was with my Mami til death did them part.  He took care of her until the day she died.

He was a chef.  He cooks almost everyday.  He's still a chef at home.  YUMSTERS...We all love his cooking especially his lasagna.  My cousins come from Puerto Rico and say "what's Papi cooking...lasagna."  Only because we ask him to make it all the time they think that's all he cooks.  When he goes on vacation, without his wife, the kids all say "when is Papi coming back, we miss his cooking."

We love our Papi and will forever.  He's an amazing father, husband, grandpa, great grandpa, brother, tio, AMIGO.  He is our Papi.

Tell us about your Papi.